2. Akt – 3. Szene

Eine andere Sprache sprechen

Performed on the word „Ausweg“ (way out) spectral analysis revealed 4 seperate regions (Au-s-we-g). Thus, the scene was composed in four parts, roughly following an A-B-A‘-B‘ form. Again, the text is more abstract and contemplative, reflecting on the acquisition of language; a prerequisite for the creation a (contemporary) artwork–in the sense of Kafka’s theater director.

Scored for mezzo-soprano, two keyboards, and electronics, the music underlines the idea of inventing a new language by the use of 19-tone temperament, a non-standard, yet harmonious tuning.

The whole scene employs canonic techniques. The A sections focus on a very limited pitch set centered around d sharp and e, whereas the B sections consist of descending lines in close imitation. Each time one of these decending notes match a spectral pitch from Brasch’s sentence, the pitch is sustained, creating a spectral sustain pedal effect (filter). In the final scene the mezzo-soprano has a contrapunctal ascending vocalize turning into a mad frenzy.

The scene ends with the sampled statement „ihren Schrei sprechen lernen“ spoken and played-back backwards in order recreate the original, however awkward, sounding, statement.

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