2. Akt – 2. Szene

Sie habe mich schon früher gekannt

The aim of this scene was to conjure up images of a nostalgic Jewish stedtl life with music alluding to Klezmer and east-European folklore, which as the scene unfolds, is contrasted by an obsessive waltz.

The text refers to the male Jewish acquaintances which were harassed by the protagonist, and which she–in her insane, distorted perception of her environment–merged into one persona. Yet, she was baffled by their different names and appearances…

This scene was based on the syllables „an-dren“ (anderen=other, different; the two syllables „de-ren“ fused to one in Brasch’s rendering). Thus, the music consists of two parts, an introduction performed by the solo clarinet, sparsely accompanied by guitar and double bass, and a larger, second part which can be further divided into 4 sections with a small coda.

The word „andere“ from Brasch’s quote matches nicely with the text of the libretto („ich hätte zwar eine andere Gestalt und einen anderen Namen gehabt“) and consequently, I used two singers for the same role.

The final „valse diabolique“ which was derived from the spectral content of „an-dren“ symbolizes the increasing threat the protagonist imposes on her friends.

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