2. Akt – 4. Szene

Die Grenze überschreiten

Composed in three sections, a rhythmic one, a tape part, and a „summary“ of the previous 7 scenes, this scene mimics the arrangement of 1st act, Intermezzo and 2nd act in its succession of acoustic, electronic and acoustic music. It’s based on the word „wissen“ which showed three distinctive regions in the computer analysis (wi-ss-en).

The text is a reflection on the meaning of the term „transition.“ The music, too, which is scored for full orchestra tries to create the sense of transition by assigning the solo voice part to the tenor in the first section and to the soprano in the last one. The intermediate „tape“ part uses several layers of stretches samples before the Rollings Stones song „it’s all over now“ suddenly gives way to the final section which also concludes the 2nd act.

Once again, both the first and final parts are based on the spectral pitches extracted from Brasch’s statement.

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