Publications by Hajdu
Hajdu, G. Blue By Sound: The Microtonal Legacy Of Composer And Theorist Clarence Barlow. Xenharmonikon (2024).
Hajdu, G., Preuschl, P., Sello, J., Stahnke, M. and Chowning, J. The ligeti center: Ligeti and his vision of a center for computer music in Hamburg. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Shenzhen (2023), pp. 81-85.
Preißler, P., Weymann, E., Hajdu, G. and Sonntag, J. Healing Soundscapes im Krankenhaus. Musiktherapeutische Umschau (2023, 2), pp. 91-103.
Hajdu, G.: “Von der Mövenstraße zum Ligeti Zentrum. Mein Werdegang im Spiegel eines großen Komponisten” in: György Ligeti im Spiegel seiner Hamburger Kompositionsklasse: through a glass, and darkly, but face to face. Manfred Stahnke, Sidney Corbett, Hubertus Dreyer, Hans Peter Reutter, Wolfgang-Andreas Schultz, and Mari Takano (editors). Print On Demand, Norderstedt (2023), pp. 266-285.
Hajdu, G. DJster Revisited – A Probabilistic Music Generator in the Age of Machine Learning. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Zurich (2024).
Hajdu, G. and Fu, X. Sonification, Musification and Dramafication of Astronomical Data in the Multimedia Production “A Space Journey”. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Boston (2023).
Hajdu, G., Orlandatou, K. and Cheung, J.T.H. A few Thoughts on Polymorphism in Digital Scores. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Marseille (2022).
Hajdu, Georg: “Syntactic Considerations on the Transcription of and Modulation Between Microtonal Scales” in: Mikrotöne: Small is Beautiful (edited by Agustin Castilla-Águstin). Mackingerverlag (2021).
Gottfried, Rama, and Georg Hajdu. Drawsocket: A Browser Based System For Networked Score Display. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Melbourne (2019).
Hajdu, Georg, and Rama Gottfried. Networked Music Performance In The St. Pauli Elbe Tunnel. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Melbourne (2019).
Hajdu, G. and Didkovsky, N.: MaxScore: Recent Developments. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Montréal (2018).
Hajdu, Georg: “Composition as Construction of Cultural Identity“, in: Just in Tone and Time. Assoziationen an Manfred Stahnke. Hrsg. Helmer, B. und Hajdu, G.. Bockel Verlag, Neumünster (2017), pp. 111-129.
13 Jahre Masterstudiengang Multimediale Komposition an der Hochschule für
Musik und Theater Hamburg. Hrsg. Georg Hajdu (2017)
Hajdu, Georg: “Embodiment and Disembodiment in Networked Music Performance”, in Body, Sound and Space in Music and Beyond: Multimodal Explorations (edited by Clemens Wöllner). Routledge, 2017.
Hajdu, Georg: Macaque – A tool for spectral processing and transcription. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, A Coruña (2017).
James, S., Hope, C., Vickery, L., Wyatt, A., Carey, B., Fu, X., and Hajdu, G.: Establishing connectivity between the existing networked music notation packages, Decibel ScorePlayer and MaxScore. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, A Coruña (2017).
Hajdu, G., Carey, B., Lazarević, G., Weymann, E.: From Atmosphere to Intervention. Proceedings of the 17th international conference on New interfaces for Musical Expression, Kopenhagen (2017), 364-368.
Hajdu, Georg: Resurrecting a Dinosaur – The Adaption of Clarence Barlow’s Legacy Software AUTOBUSK. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Cambridge (2016).
Carey, B. & Hajdu, G.: Netscore: An image server/client package for transmitting notated music to browser and virtual reality interfaces. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Cambridge (2016).
Hajdu, Georg: Disposable Music. Computer Music Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Spring 2016).
Hajdu, Georg: Die Transkription des Poème Vers la flamme op. 72 von Alexander Skrjabin für Bohlen-Pierce-Ensemble, in: Hrsg. Bense A., Gieseking M., Müßgens B.: Musik im Spektrum technologischer Entwicklungen und Neuer Medien. Festschrift für Bernd Enders, Osnabrück: epOs (2015), pp. 65-80.
Hajdu, Georg: Dynamic Notation – A Solution to the Conundrum of Non-Standard Music Practice. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, Paris (2015).
Müller, N-L., Orlandatou, K. and Hajdu, G.: Starting Over – Chances Afforded by a New Scale in: 1001 Mikrotöne | 1001 Microtones. Hrsg. Sarvenaz Safari und Manfred Stahnke. Bockel Verlag, Neumünster (2014), pp. 127-173.
Hajdu, Georg: “Disposable Music” in: Die Dynamik kulterellen Wandels. Hrsg. Jenny Svensson. Schriften des Instituts für kulturelle Innovationsforschung an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Bd. 2. LIT Verlag, Berlin (2013), pp. 227-244.
Hajdu, G. and Didkovsky, N.: MaxScore – Current State of the Art. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. (2012)
Hajdu, G: Composing for Networks. Proceedings of the Symposium for Laptop Ensembles and Orchestras (2012).
Hajdu, G., Niggemann, K., Siska A., Szigetvári, A.: Notation in the Context of Projects. Contemporary Music Review, 29, 1 (2010), pp. 39 – 53.
Hajdu, G. and Didkovsky, N.: On the Evolution of Music Notation in Network Music Environments. Contemporary Music Review, 28, 4 & 5 (2009), pp. 395 – 407.
Real-time Composition and Notation in Network Music Environments, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. (2008). CD-ROM.
Didkovsky, N. and Hajdu, G.: MaxScore Music Notation in Max/MSP. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. (2008). CD-ROM
Hajdu, Georg: Getrennte Körper – Musiker im Netz. Positionen 74 – Dispositive. Februar 2008, pp. 29-31.
Hajdu, Georg: Playing Performers – Ideas about Mediated Network Music Performance. Proceedings of the Music in the Global Village Conference. Budapest (2007), pp. 41-42.
Hajdu, Georg: Automatic Composition and Notation in Network Music Environments. SMC’06 Conference Proceedings. Marseille (2006), pp. 109-114.
Hajdu, Georg: “Research and Technology in the Opera Der Sprung”. Nova Acta Leopoldina, 92 Nr. 341 (2005), pp. 63-89.
Hajdu, Georg: “Überlegungen zu einer neuen Theorie der Harmonie” in: Mikrotöne und mehr. Hrsg. Manfred Stahnke, Schriftenreihe: Musik und. Band 8. Hrsg. Hanns-Werner Heister und Wolfgang Hochstein. Weidler Verlag, Berlin (2005), pp. 165-187.
Hajdu, Georg: “Der Computer als Inspirationsquelle für Komponisten” in: Mathematische Musik – musikalische Mathematik. Hrsg. Bernd Enders. PFAU-Verlag, Saarbrücken (2005), pp. 48-61.
Hajdu, Georg: “ An Environment for Composing and Performing Music on the Internet,” LEONARDO Vol. 38, No. 1 (2005), pp. 23-30.
Hajdu, Georg: “” Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. 5 (2004). p. 28.
Hajdu, Georg: Composition and improvisation on the Net. SMC’04 Conference Proceedings. IRCAM, Paris (2004). pp. 5-8.
Hajdu, Georg: – A Quintet on the Internet. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. (2003). pp. 315-318
Hajdu, Georg: “—Präliminarien zu einer vernetzten, interaktiven Echtzeitkompositionsumgebung”, in Bernd Enders and Joachim Stange-Elbe, eds., Global Village-–-Global Brain––Global Music. Universitätsverlag Rasch, Osnabrück (2003), pp. 298-303.
Hajdu, Georg: Klang im Internet. Potentiale und Grenzen. Positionen 56. (2003), pp. 22-23.
Hajdu, Georg: “Der reißende Strom” Musiktexte 97. Mai 2003.
Hajdu, Georg: Aktualität eines Mythos. Orpheus Kristall im Positionen 51, 2002, pp. 47-50.
Hajdu, Georg: Replik. Zu dem Brief von Jean-Claude Risset “Tonbandmusik ist nicht obsolet”. Musiktexte 91, 2001, p. 91.
Hajdu, Georg: The Eternal Glissando Machine. In memoriam Iannis Xenakis. Musiktexte 89, 2001, pp. 41-42.
Hajdu, Georg: Vom Modell zum Kunstwerk. Klangart 1997 – Kongressbeitrag, in: Musik und Medientechnologie, Band 3. Osnabrück 2000, pp. 235-246.
Hajdu, Georg: Musik und die Medien. Kulturtrip (Journal published by the Ministry of Culture in Northrhine-Westfalia).
Hajdu, Georg: Wege zu einer neuen Harmonielehre. Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Musik Detmold. Sommersemester 1997, 2-5.
Hajdu, Georg: Circularity in neural computation and its application to musical composition. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 1995, pp. 363-365.
Hajdu, Georg: Low Energy and Equal Spacing; the Multifactorial Evolution of Tuning Systems.Interface, 22, 1993, pp. 319-333.
Hajdu, Georg: 17 Tones. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 1992, pp. 449-450.
17 Töne. A collection of compositions in 17-tone equal temperament by C. Barlow, C.Bauckholt, G. Hajdu, C.J. Walter, and C. Wilkens. Georg Hajdu (editor).
Hajdu, Georg: Computermusik in der Bay Area. Das Center for New Music and Audio Technologies. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 10, 1991, pp. 34-36.
Hajdu, Georg: Die Domestizierung des Zufalls in Klarenz Barlows Computerprogramm AUTOBUSK (The Domestication of Chance in Clarence Barlow’s Computer Program AUTOBUSK). Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 8/9, 1990, pp. 8-14.
Hajdu, Georg: Harmonische Energie – Motor bei der Evolution ‘relevanter’ Tonsysteme (Harmonic energy – moving force in the evolution of ‘relevant’ tuning systems). Feedback Papers 35, 1989, pp. 1-35.
Publications on Hajdu
Eberhard Hüppe: Fragmentarische Überlegungen zu Georg Hajdu’s “Der Sprung.” MusikTexte 81/82, 135-36 (1999).
Eberhard Hüppe: Some Fragmentary Thoughts on Georg Hajdu’s “Der Sprung.” Computer Music Journal (Summer 2000).